I’ve got news for those of you who though House Doctor was just a television show starring acerbic Californian Ann Maurice telling hapless homeowners to declutter, declutter, declutter. More interestingly, House Doctor is also a Danish lifestyle brand that brings affordable Scandinavian style to your home. Check out the new spring/summer 2017 catalogue by House Doctor for some outdoor living inspiration to get you through the last few weeks of winter. Summer is coming and the living is easy!
Outdoor Living Inspiration
Whether you have a tiny outside space in a city, lots of countryside at your disposal or spend your summer at the beach, these looks from House Doctor will provide lots of outdoor living inspiration for you.
Urban Backyard Living
You don’t need a big backyard for it to be stylish. What I love about this image? The lush grass planting and comfortable seats just say outdoor escape to me. You can see people hanging out here with a bottle (or two) of vino and just relaxing long into a summer’s evening.
Have a bit more space to work with? Layer plants in pots to create an interesting and lush look. With comfortable seating that is inward looking, you are controlling what you see in your immediate environment. Never mind, that you may be looking at your neighbour’s garden if you look the other direction! Why would you want to when it’s so pretty and comfortable in your own garden?
Dinner in the Orchard
Now these settings are the way to do a dinner outside! Something simple like a small portable table and some floor cushions can transport you to a rural idyll.
Alternatively, if you are having a handful of people around for a meal, set up an informal table and string up some lights. Voila! The look is casual yet magical. Note the chairs are a mishmash of whatever is available – made comfortable with the addition of cushions and soft furnishings. Trust me, matchy-matchy is the best way to make yourself look dated.
This stetting looks terrific but on a practicality score, I’d have to downgrade it a few points.
Let’s be realistic – that table is too gorgeous to be sitting outside (especially in an English summer where the chance of rain is quite high!). And, sitting on backless stools and is not very comfortable. Your bottom may be padded with a cushion but what about your back??
Dinner at the Beach
I would LOVE a shack like this at the beach. So beautiful to see the sunrise or sunset despite the weather. You could sit and eat without the wind blowing your food away. You don’t need much more than this little shack for a comfortable beach day. This is the Danish version of those colourful beach huts you see dotting the England beachside.
The simplest version of course is just a pretty beach blanket accessorised with good food, drinks and friends. Beach picnic essentials can be as simple as everyone sitting around a blanket or you can get fancy with a table and chairs.
Once again, the steel low table from House Doctor that I covet. I need this table in my life for summertime living anytime of the year. It’s actually listed as a coffee table but I think it’s perfect for outside use, too.
Now this looks idyllic and comfortable! Comfortable chairs, mosquito lighters and a barbecue on the beach. Where do I sign up??
What a charming idea! Recycled old wine bottles with tea lights flickering in the night. You can probably DIY this look if you know how to safely cut off the bottom of a wine candle without winding up in the Emergency Room. That would not be me, then!
Get the look from House Doctor:
Which of these looks speaks to you? I would love to hear your thoughts.
All images courtesy of House Doctor Media.
Like the look of this outdoor living inspiration? Spread the Word! Pin this to your Pinterest Boards for future reference!

Do you have a tiny backyard, a garden, or you are planning an outdoor event? Click for
some outdoor living space inspiration and urban backyard ideas, brought to you by
House Doctor, a Danish lifestyle brand that brings affordable Scandinavian style to your
home. These outdoor living ideas are all beautiful! #urbanbackyard #outdoorfurniture
#outdoorspaces #outdoorliving #scandinavianhome #scandinaviandesign

Now that the spring is finally here, what’s better than inviting a few people over for an
outdoor dinner? But forget about an old table with a bench. Now these settings are the way
to do a dinner outside! Something simple like a small portable table and some floor
cushions can transport you to a rural idyll. In this post you’ll find some outdoor living
inspiration…dining outside will never be the same again! #outdoorliving #outdoordining
#outodoordesign #gardendecor

I would LOVE a shack at the beach. You could sit and eat without the wind blowing your
food away…. but not a practical idea for most. Certainly, the simplest version is a pretty
beach blanket accessorised with good food, drinks and friends. What about something
more fancy? Check out a few ideas for the perfect dinner at the beach you’ll want to steal.
#beach #beachshack #beachdinner # #outdoorfurniture #outdoorspaces #outdoorliving
#scandinavianhome #scandinaviandesign
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