Do you need retro kitchen items to go with your slick midcentury modern design pad? Or maybe, your style is more cool contemporary and a bit of vintage dinnerware will just add a bit of whimsy and panache to your dining table. Either way you will love Fishs Eddy NY located in the Flatiron District near Union Square. Fishs Eddy NYC sells unused retro kitchenware as well as quirky contemporary items.
Fishs Eddy NY
Fishs Eddy New York City has made itself THE place for retro kitchen items and quirky modern collectibles. It helps that the prices are excellent!
So what’s the story with the name? Fishs Eddy is a town in upstate New York that the owners chanced upon. They were able to buy a whole collection of retro kitchenware in this town which started them off on their business.
Fishs Eddy NY has reached such iconic status that its got its own book – Minding the store: A Big Story About A Small Business which is a graphic novel type memoir by Julie Gaines who founded the store. She runs Fishs Eddy New York City with her husband and the memoir is illustrated by their son. It’s a family business and you can tell the whole thing is curated by a select team with an excellent eye.
Similar to ABC Carpet and Home nearby, Fishs Eddy NY is a destination in itself whether you are looking to buy or to browse. You can get your retro dinnerware with a side of humor.
Vintage Dinnerware
You can get retro dinnerware and vintage flatware in excellent condition which are salvaged from old hotels, restaurants and clubs. We even found vintage cutlery from an old prison!
The new designer lines are part of the quirky contemporary collections.
You can have your dog’s portrait painted from a photo. My husband balked at the price though (done in 15 minutes for about a $100). Clearly these New York dogs have parents who are more generous than he is.
You also have the celebrity collaborations with Fishs Eddy NY products. For example, the Fishs Eddy sprinkles (for cupcakes) were created by American comedian, Amy Sedaris. I also love designer Todd Oldham’s collection of mid-century modern plates and glasses from 1950’s American artist, Charlie Harper.
Fishs Eddy Brooklyn
I absolutely love the Fishs Eddy Brooklyn collection probably because the New Yorker in me remembers Brooklyn before it got trendy.
I personally thought the accent was more Long Island (Long Guyland for the native) but I guess it makes sense. Brooklyn and Long Island share the same island.
Fishs Eddy UK
Fishs Eddy NY has one physical location in Manhattan (899 Broadway at 19th street). You can, however, get their products online or on Amazon. If you are across the pond, Fishs Eddy UK do have a collaboration with West Elm and occasionally Liberty London.
Fishs Eddy NY products above:
- Brooklynese Coffee Set;
- Charley Harper and Todd Oldham wine glass set;
- Dueling Shots Hamilton and Burr shot glass set;
- Artist palette cheese board;
- Fishs Eddy Dog Person mug
- Vintage flower storage set
I hope you have enjoyed this introduction to Fishs Eddy NY and its retro kitchenware. If so, can I ask you to spread The Word? Pin this to your Pinterest Boards for future reference!

Do you need retro kitchen items for a vintage home? Or maybe, your style is more cool
contemporary and vintage dinnerware sets will add character to your dining table. Either way
you will love Fishs Eddy NYC, that sells unused retro kitchenware as well as quirky
contemporary items. #vintage #vintagedecor #vintagedinnerware #retrohomedecor
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